A parasite is an organism that lives on or in on another organism (its host) and gets its food (i.e., nutrients, nourishment, sustenance) from or at the expense of its host.
There are three classes of parasites that infect humans:
The first two classes are covered on this website. Ectoparasites include lice and mites. These are not parasites that exist in the intestines, the organs, or the blood, but live on the skin or in the hair. That is the extent that I will be discussing ectoparasites. Some parasitic infections are more easily treated than others. The best thing is to eradicate them early. Knowing what I know now, I include foods that have anti-parasitic properties into my daily diet. A great thing about these foods is that they have other health promoting properties and are delicious. The foods on which parasites thrive are the foods that are known to be bad for our health … that is, junk food. Sugar, processed foods, and denatured foods that are void or nearly void of any medicinal value serve to feed parasites and cause disease. Remember that it was Hippocrates (the founder of medicine as a rational science) that stated “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” The other necessary thing is doing periodic parasite cleanses. Please see my post on foods and herbs that naturally possess anti-parasitic properties. I also include information on supplements that I have used and continue to use. Future posts in this blog category ("Types of Parasites") will be go into detail on the various types of parasites that can infect humans. My other blog pages will provide anti-parasite recipes and meal ideas, detoxification methods that I use, foods and herbs that I consume when during a parasite cleanse, foods that I avoid when doing a parasite cleanse, and much more! Thanks for reading! Peace & Love! Sources: CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - "About Parasites" https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/about.html Greek Medicine.net "HIPPOCRATES - Father of Medicine" http://www.greekmedicine.net/whos_who/Hippocrates.html
AuthorLearned about intestinal parasites from personal experience. LINKS:
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